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AE Hosts Youth Mental Health Advocacy Event

Health experts, policy-makers and youth advocates—including AExME Council Gabby Frost unite

On September 23, American Eagle, in partnership with the Global Coalition on Mental Health convened youth advocates, health experts, policy-makers, and other stakeholders in New York City for the second annual “YMentalhealth? Our Future Depends on It.” The event called on global leaders during the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) to further mental health awareness and support critical mental health initiatives.

“At American Eagle, we work hard to put our customers first, and we believe we have a responsibility to raise awareness for the importance of youth mental health,” commented Chad Kessler, AE Global Brand President. “We are proud to sponsor this event, while helping to amplify the voices of inspiring young leaders who are dedicated to changing the conversation surrounding mental health.”

An incredible group of young leaders, including AExME Council’s Gabby Frost, shared their very personal stories of bullying, eating disorders, depression, drug abuse, anxiety disorders—and stories of hope. The youth speakers emphasized that love, compassion, and support are the keys to understanding mental health issues. “I had people who never gave up on me, and their belief in me is what helped me through my darkest times,” said Peter Lee-Kramer, a student advocate for mental health.

During the event, youth advocates from around the globe joined the conversation and shared their own stories with the #YNow tag on social media.

About Global Coalition on Mental Health

The Global Coalition on Youth Mental Health is an inclusive, multinational, youth-inspired initiative that aims to amplify the many voices on youth mental health. Worldwide, they are engaging with leading mental health organizations, young people experiencing mental illness, and the communities that support them to galvanize awareness, collaboration, and action.